Halloween at the Wintles

Halloween is a holiday that is taken very seriously at our household. My dad spends days in preparation to completely deck out the house with new ideas every year. He slaves away carving upwards to 25 pumpkins. He's been doing this ever since I can remember. We are always the first house on every trick or treaters list. That's half because of my dads intricate decorations but also half because we give out the best things! From baseball cards, to vampire teeth, to traditional candy all the way to beanie babies. My mom stocks up on toys all year long to have for this one night. Ok, enough bragging. We REALLY like Halloween. This year was Jack's (my nephew) first Halloween as well as his cousin Celia's. All the family came over as usual and like always, I feel the need to make everything into a photoshoot. Here's what our night looked like!